Monday, March 30, 2009

Pushing the limits...

So here we are, it's week 6. 6!! WOW! I can't believe it! Actually I can. The days have quickly turned into weeks and we've been moving closer to measuring day. This Saturday is measuring day (a few are getting measured Friday due to time constraints) and I can't wait!! I know already that I've gotten results. I've been putting more and more of my clothes in the "too big" pile. I never in a million years thought that I would have a "too big" pile! It's crazy. I used to have a "too small" pile or it was actually my "someday I might wear these again" pile. Now I can't wait to try those small clothes on to see if they fit yet!! If not, oh well, just means I have more work to do!!

Missy gave me a pair of workout pants (watch for pics of them on Ben's Blog) that are too big for her (yay!). I tried them on tonight and they fit! Can you believe it? I just put on a pair of stretchy pants that didn't stretch to the limit when I put them on!!! And, they are... wait for it... (hope you don't mind Missy).. 1x!! I used to wear 3x! Can you believe it?! Well believe it!! It's an amazing feeling... I have NEVER felt this good.. mind & body.. I'm gaining confidence and learning to love myself.. Anyone who's overweight knows how it is. You have a very hard time believing that you are beautiful and worthy of being loved for who you are. I was lucky enough to find a man that loves me exactly the way I am. He doesn't care if I weigh 100 or 300 pounds. I am beautiful to him. And I think maybe I'm starting to see what he sees in me. It's not easy for sure.. He has told me so many times, "Look at yourself. Look at that beautiful, sexy woman in the mirror. You are absolutely gorgeous." I just couldn't see it. All I saw was this big blobby thing with long black hair and glasses. Now I'm starting see her. I know that she's been in there all the time, I just needed help to find her. Now that I'm starting to see & feel the results, I don't want to stop. I can't wait to see what week 16 is like.. then 18.. 20.. I'm not ever going to stop working out and having good nutrition. NEVER. This is my life now. This is the way it's going to be. People can try to tempt me with sugary sweets or unsupportive foods, but I don't want that anymore. It's not a part of my life anymore.

Today was cardio day at BBC. We did: alternating firehose slam, jump rope, suicide sprints (Christine & I did the bike due to knee pain), plate clean & press and... burpees. We all killed it today. We pushed ourselves hard to beat the numbers that Ben put on the board for us.

I know you're waiting to find out.. sooo.. how was the burpees?? You want to know?? You really really want to know??? Ok, ok.. I'll tell you.. Did I hit 20 this time? Nope.. I hit 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh yeah! oh yeah!!!! When Ben was putting our goal #s on the board, he started to write 18 and I said "no, don't do it. 20. Thank you!" The first 2 times I did the burpees I hit 19 and I was 2 seconds away from 20. So I knew I had to really punch it to make 20. The next time I did burpees, I did it. I hit 20! I was SOO psyched!!! Then I wanted to beat that # (yeah yeah.. competitive). The next time I got very close to 21, but like I said, I hit 21 the last time I did the 'ol burpees. I believe that Tonia beat her high of 23 with 24! Nice going!!!

I was on such a high from finally hitting 20, and the usual energy boost that I was just on cloud nine when I got to work. I was so... up.. that I'm pretty sure I sucessfully annoyed everyone in my office! I could not sit still! I was singing and dancing around!! LOVED IT!! Plus, my knees are starting to feel better.. "It's a great day to be alive I know the suns still shinin when I close my eyes. There's some hard times in the neighborhood, but why can't every day be just this good?". =) Looking forward to tomorrow, when Ben promised to really kick our butts before he heads out of town for a few days. But don't worry, the girls & I are going to head to IROC and workout hard while Ben's away. Apparently Ben is going to give us a workout plan for Wednesday & Thursday. Should be fun!

Well I am off to fitday to plan tomorrow.. then get my stuff together for tomorrow & hit the hay.. so night all!!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, you are such an inspriation! And yeah girl, those pants are lookin' good! M
