Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spread the pain.... I mean Wealth

The first thing we did this morning was planks, but with a change. This time we did 20 second planks the usual way. Then, rotate to one side for 20 seconds and then to the other side for 20 seconds without falling. That is one round. We did that 3 times. Just trying to stay up on my side was the bigger challenge. It was hard!!

Then, we did Spread the Wealth. This is what we did:

Circuit 1
Kettlebell Swings x 10
Push ups x 20
Goblet Squat x 10

Circuit 2
Renegade Rows x 10 each side
Reverse Crunches x 15
Step ups x 15 per side

Complete as many rounds as you can in 10 minutes, then switch circuits and try to get as many rounds in that circuit as you did in the previous circuit.

For the first circuit, we all did it 3 times. The second circuit was much tougher. Hoooooly hell was it tough!! If you're wondering, and I'm sure you are, the renegade rows go like this: you have two dumbells on the floor. You get in the plank position, but with your feet about shoulder width apart. Then, you lift the dumbell up towards your chest, alternating arms. What?! Oh yeah!! whoo! For the reverse crunches you lift your legs (together) and then pull them towards your head, bending as you go (it's easier to imagine if someone demonstrates!!) and you do want your lower back to come off the floor. My challege was the step ups. I don't know why I have such a hard time with those damned things!! I was using a 10lb dumbell in each hand and Erica & Missy were using 15s (Christine missed today because her little one was sick-missed you!). It was funny because Missy was like "not-uh! Use the 15s!" and I said "DUDE!! I can barely get up there with the 10s!" hee hee.. I called her dude.. But I do that to everyone.. chicks, actual dudes. I don't really discriminate. As long as it doesn't bother the person that I call them that, then it's DUDE! Just ask my coworker Jen. The first thing she says to me when I walk in is "DUUUUUUUUDE!!" LOL.. Anyway... I'm getting off track.. so yeah, step ups are hard. Another one of my challenges.

So.. that's about it.. I felt MUCH better today, so that was good. Thanks to everyone that gave me their well wishes. I think it must've worked!!! =) I've avoided the pukey pukeys (so far!)!!

PIN! =0)

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