Saturday, March 7, 2009

Me Vs. Oatmeal Round 2!!

Yesterday was a tough yet fun day in Mooserville. Our first stop was at Mooserville Headquarters, Moo92. All five of us, plus Ben, gave a short interview about how it's been going so far. It was fun!! I talked about my first experience with oatmeal. Pretty funny!! Ben recorded it so stay tuned to his blog or Moo's website as I'm sure they'll post it at some point!

Then it was off to BBC (as Missy the abreviation queen calls it!! ha ha ha) for our workout. We did Engine 8. 8 stations, do each one for 1 minute no rest between. 2 of the stations were 1 minute rests and believe me I was counting down to when I could get to those stations (descriptions are on Ben's Blog). We went through the whole list 3 times. I felt like I was going SO slow! It seemed like I was only doing a few reps. I know I was doing more than I think, but it didn't feel like it at the time. I also know I'm my own worst critic so I'm sure Ben will say I did fine. I will say that I did a hell of a lot more pushups than when we first started!! I think I did like 15-18 every time around so that's a minimum of 45 pushups!!! What did I say in my first blog? I did like 18 in a minute & a half with 30 second rests in between.. Hell yeah! Like I told the girls at work, I'm gonna have "guns" before we're done!! Get ready for the gun show!! LOL

But the fun didn't stop there!! After that we alternated between wall sits and farmers carries. Ooooh my quads were BURNING!!! And then the fun continued as Ben had us pull him across the room & back. We each had to go twice, and the final time for Missy & Erica (Christine had to sit out because of her knee - but we know she'll be back to full strength soon!! =)) Ben decided that he was going to sit on the floor and have them pull him. It was HILAROUS!!! The video is even better!! OMG!! Ass on fire!! Too funny!!

So I'm sure you're wondering by now about the title of this blog.. well, it's true. I tried oatmeal again. Only this time, I took 1 cup of unsweetened applesauce, flavored it with cinnamon & nutmeg (I just sprinkled some in, mixed it up, tasted and added some more until it tasted right. Then I heated some water (about a cup), put the oatmeal in the applesauce and added the water. I think the cup of water was too much. I'll probably do about 1/2 cup next time as mine was a bit too soupy. But, (drum roll please) it was actually not bad at all. It almost (ALMOST!!) tasted like apple crisp. I think that one will definately be in my diet at least once a week. So yay to me for being stubborn & determined!! LOL.. But it's like I've been saying, just keep trying new stuff, you may actually end up liking it!! Experiment with spices (as long as they don't have salt added) and make it work for you!!

Today I'm with my parents relaxing and watching movies. I made sure to bring some fruits, veggies and (yes it's true!) a chobani yogurt with me. It's definately a little trickier away from home, but no worries!! I'm still right on track!!

Peace in the Northeast!! (stole that one from Missy too!! That girl keeps me in stiches!!)

1 comment:

  1. Yup ass on fire is right! Great stuff with the food, you are determined, I can tell and you are expanding on your comfort level, keep up the good work.
