Friday, March 27, 2009

Cardio anyone?

This time, Ben changed it up a little. We did suicide sprints, alternating firehose slams, jump rope & plate clean and press.

My knees have been bothering me this week, so Ben had me do the bike instead of the suicide sprints. But don't worry, that doesn't mean I was slacking off today!! I rode that bike like there was no tomorrow!! Or as Missy has said "imagine a big bear is chasing you!". LOL.. I did a few rounds of icing my knees today (ice for 20 minutes on each knee then off for an hour) and they feel much MUCH better!! =)

For the first round of alternating firehose slams I did 143.. Hell yeeeah!! But I couldn't get past that number. Had me wondering if I f-ing counted right the first time. LOL.. no worries...

I actually like the jump rope now (yeah I sing that song in my head as I do it.. but I have to sing REALLY fast!!) Misssuzyhadasteamboatthesteamboathadabell.... LOL.. That's the one that I beat the most. I freaked myself out a little bit one of the times because I landed wrong on my right foot and it turned out a little bit. I caught myself before it totally went over, but it scared me and made me pause for a second.

The last one was plate clean & press. Sounds like an eating competition.. but yeah.. no. Christine and I used the 10lb plate and Missy & Erica used the 25lb plate. You hold the plate on it's edge on the floor with your hands on it like a steering wheel, squating down. Then you lift it up over your head. Do as many reps as you can. You can see Missy doing this in the video Ben posted on his blog. You can hear him telling her to squat more, so that part is very important. I think Ben said it keeps you from hurting your back.

Ben told us yesterday that we can now join the Saturday morning bootcamp class.. Well, he said it was "optional".. but not so much. Anyway, if you've been reading my blog you'll see that on Saturdays I miss the workout, so I'm happy that we're adding Saturdays. Although we'll see tomorrow because I guess we're doing the one called "Pile On". Check out this video Ben did demonstrating this workout: .. tell me you aren't jealous of me!! LOL.. yeah you know you are.. hooly moses!! brace yourselves girls, this is gonna be a tough one! But we can do it!! BYOI!!

Well, we are off to play poker with some friends.. so if my arms aren't totally killed tomorrow, I'll blog ya later! Hee hee hee


  1. Next time we jump rope, you HAVE TO sing that song at least once, out loud!! M

  2. Yes sing it out loud! And just for the record, I also used the 25 pounder for the clean plate thingy ma jig!

  3. yeah.. ok.. LOL.. oops my bad Christine!! You go girl!! =) So the 45 on Monday then?? LOL

  4. Of course! Piece of cake... er I mean salmon??
