Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cardio madness!!

There were 4 stations again today, the bike, burpees (Oh how I still hate thee!! LOL. Just kidding Ben!!) firehose slam and suicide sprints. Ben gave us goals to hit and told us to beat them ALL!! It was ca-raaayzyyy!

My goal for the burpees was 15. I got close most of the time, but I just couldn't seem to beat it. That was kinda frustrating for me because I wanted to beat it SO bad. It's no secret that I really am not a big fan of the burpees, so I wanted to finally do good at them! The last 3 or 4 times that I did the burpees I took my glasses off because they were just bouncing on my face which was a little distracting. Of course, I am completely blind without them. I can SEE stuff, but everything beyond about 6 inches from my face is blurry. Anything beyond that is a big blurry blob. So anyway, I felt like I was going really fast and I pushed myself hard to keep going and go fast. But I could only get 15. So I hit the goal, but I wanted to BEAT it!!! Ugh! It seemed like everytime that the CD man said 10 seconds left I was at like 10 or 11. So I would really push it and right when he said rest I stood up for #15. 3-5 more seconds and I would've had 16!! GRRRR!! I'll have to ask Ben how I can get faster at those. So next time we do those (which I'm sure is soon!) I'm going to beat that damned 15!!!

So the new tourture... er.. exercise (LOL) today was suicide sprints. Anyone who's done sports knows exactly what these are!! For those who didn't/don't do sports, these are when you run from one end of the room to the other, reach down and touch the floor and run to the other end and touch the floor. Do this as many times as you can in 30 seconds. These were very hard. I felt like my lungs were going to explode!! I've never been much of a runner, but I did fairly well.

I tried Ben's brownie batter recipe today. YUM!! Who's a fan of the "batter"? This girl is!!! Although I just looked at the recipe again and it was only 1 scoop of the Prograde and I used 2. It was a little thick, but I kept putting water in it until it was a little soupy. It was SO good! I didn't have any strawberries (don't worry Ben, it's on my grocery list on the side of the fridge!!) but I think when I get some I'll make it again and cut some up into it.. I'm imagining it'll be a little like chocolate covered strawberries!! YUMMO!!! Who doesn't love that?? I had it at work and you should've seen the girls in my office!!!! They were right on me, like "are you supposed to be eating that?" "What is that?" "I don't think THAT'S on your diet!". Relax people!! It's all good!!! Ha ha ha!! I let them all try a taste and most seemed to think it was really good. I told them what was in it and they were like "really?!?!" YEP!! Deeelish and Ben approved!!! Oh brownie batter, where have you been all my life?!

Tomorrow is Friday.. wheew! Another week done!! I'm really trying to not weigh myself until next week as that will make a month, but I'm thinking that maybe I'll give in and weigh myself tomorrow. It's a little early, but I've waited long enough I think!! Time to satisfy everyone's curiosity.. especially my own!!

Well, that's it for now... Here's what I ate today:

  • Pre work out : Banana
  • Post work out: 3/4 c Better'n Eggs egg substitute, 1 slice Country Kitchen whole wheat bread w/about 4 sprays of I can't believe it's not butter spray
  • Lunch: 1/2 can tuna mixed with mustard and just a litte spicy brown mustard on 2 slices Country Kitchen wheat bread with a little extra mustard, 1/3 of a medium celery stick cut ontop of the tuna, 8oz 1% Milk, Ben's Brownie Batter (2 scoops Prograde protein powder, 2 tablespoons peanut butter & added water until a good consistency) and 1 cup cantaloupe. I couldn't finish all of the Brownie Batter so I put what was left aside.
  • Snack: The rest of the Brownie Batter & 1 medium cucumber
  • Supper: 2 servings ham steak (1/2 an 8oz ham steak), 3 teaspoons French's Honey Mustard for dipping and the rest of the 4 medium stalks of celery.

Oh yeah, I forgot the tuna.. Everyone knows I'm not a huge fish fan. I'm not a fan at all actually, but I was able to eat the tuna as a sandwich. It was a little more tolerable anyway. Ok, now I'm really done.. until tomorrow when Tonia joins us again (yipee!! =oP ). TTFN! PIN!

1 comment:

  1. OH! I forgot my %ages!! Calories: 1591, Fat 20%, Protein 34% and Carbs 46%. I had to change it a little since Ben saw it earlier (sorry Ben) as I had put that I was going to have a boneless pork chop for supper, but brought the ham steak instead. Not sure how I confused the two but I did!!
