Saturday, March 28, 2009

Pile On the fun

Today's workout was Pile On. Holy god!!! That was the toughest workout we've done so far. I know I say that this workout or that one was hard, but no. This one was TOUGH!! I don't know if I'll get these all in the right order, but Ben hasn't posted his blog yet. So check out his blog in case I flub up the order.

So for the first round we did:

Kettlebell Swings
Kettlebell High Pull

Do each exercise for 1 minute with a 5 second transition in between. There were so many of us (16!) that some had to use dumbells (Missy, Erica, Tonia & I-Christine wasn't able to workout with us but she made it for MMC). There was then a 1 minute break.

Then we did:

Kettlebell Swings
Kettlebell High Pull
Goblet Squats
Flutter Kick

The Flutter Kick was just what you would think. Have both legs in the air, back flat on the floor and kick your legs, keeping your knees slightly bent. Move your whole legs, not kicking at the knee.

1 minute break, then:

Kettlebell Swings
Kettlebell High Pull
Goblet Squats
Flutter Kick
Hip Extensions (1 leg for 30 seconds then switch)
Push Ups

1 minute break, then:

Kettlebell Swings
Kettlebell High Pull
Goblet Squats
Flutter Kick
Hip Extensions
Push Ups
Side plank w/arm raise

The side plank is hard enough, but to keep your other arm up in the air is HELLA hard!! At this point my knees were getting pretty sore..

1 minute break, then:

Kettlebell Swings
Kettlebell High Pull
Goblet Squats
Flutter Kick
Hip Extensions
Push Ups
Side Planks w/arm raises
Hill Climbers

So I got to the push ups (I was able to do one or two standard ones in the first round or two!!). At the lunges, my knees were done. It hurt like hell to try to do them, so Ben had me do overhead presses. I did the side planks (the best I could). I was able to do some burpees, but holy crapola was it hard on the knees!! There was no way I could do the hill climbers. Ben had me doing jumping jacks at first, but that hurt my knees also. So he had me do some more push ups. I have to admit that this was very frustrating to me. I am very competitive and, I'll admit, probably my own worst critic. So when I can't do something, or something is keeping me from doing what everyone else is doing, I get irritated. I feel like I should've been able to do the whole list, but my knees just wouldn't let me. Sucked.. big time. BUT, Mike & I are back from our trip to Littleton (don't worry blogfans, I brought my snacks with me!) and I am icing my knees. I will keep doing this all night and tomorrow and hopefully that will help. I also took some Tylenol earlier and that's seemed to help also. I was also able to ice my knees before our trip too so I'm sure that helped.

After the workout, Charlotte, Margaret and Deveney stopped in and shared about their bootcamp and MM experience and give us some encouragement. It was nice to hear and very helpful! When they would talk about something, I found myself nodding my head like, "yeah me too!". Thanks ladies! Then after the ladies left we did our usual MMC. My week was good. Tried cauliflower (bleached broccoli) and it was gross. Also a couple of us admitted that we were getting kinda bored with our food. It's hard for me because I don't like a lot of different stuff. I get a good amount of variation during the day, but at night, it's harder to figure out something different to make for supper than beef, pork & chicken (Mike's not a huge chicken fan either). But I'll get through it.. I heard that Ben is putting together a recipe book so I can't wait to see that and get some ideas.

Tomorrow we'll be spending time with my sister-in-law, her husband and their two beautiful girls!! Can't wait!! =) Should be very fun!!

Until Monday... peace!


  1. Lisa, yes you worked your buns off yesterday and did great! Try the Mango Salsa on your pork or grilled/steamed/baked chicken, tilapia, tuna, or maybe in a salad, or as spread on your turkey sandwich (a little something different than mustard). You are doing so well. keep up the good work! Yes, I can't wait to see that recipe book too!

  2. Hey lisa,

    You are doing great! Maybe to help mix up your dinner choices a bit you could try a new healthy recipe once a week, do you like beans? You could go vegetarian, maybe do something with chick peas or lentils? Just an idea.
