Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A workout with no name

Tonia joined us for our workout this morning, and she rocked it along with the rest of us!! You go girl!!

Our workout this morning was something like 4 Minute Madness except it was 6 minutes!! There were 4 stations with 2 exercises at each station. We did each set of exercises 3 times, then rested for 1 minute. The stations were: A) Kettlebell Deadlift, Push Press B) Rows, Goblet Squats C) Step ups, Wood Chops D) Wall Sits, Kettlebell Swings. The other 3 girls were at a station by themselves, but Christine and I were together on this one. Everything was tough, but Christine and I finished on the wall sits and kettlebell swings. My thighs were BURRNIING by the time we were done. At one point Ben came over and put the timer in front of me so I could see how long we had left. A couple times I pounded my hands on the wall, begging for the time to be called. I honestly don't know how those people on the Biggest Loser last night did it for 4 minutes straight! They are my heros!! Oh, but before all this we alternated between planks and superwomans while Ben figured out our tourture for the day (LOL). It was a tough workout and I don't mind saying that I was sweating... uh glistening... like a pig by the end of it!!

I see on the Biggest Mooser blog that Ben has posted his recipe for "Brownie Batter". Let me tell you, I can't wait to try that one because it sounds SOOO yummy!! I haven't actually tried any new foods this week. It's been kinda crazy this week actually. Work is very busy and we always seem to be doing something the rest of the time. But I plan on trying a recipe a friend gave me for roasted cauliflower (Thanks Mona!!) very soon.

Well, sorry this is a short one, but I got home late from Bowling tonight (don't ask about my scores!! ooooh so bad!) so I have to dash off to bed. P.I.N! (ask Missy what that is!! LOL)


  1. Can I just say how much I love reading your blog - you are so quiet during class and then you come home and write like this - you always crack me up!! You are doing fantastic!!
    Oh and if you ever want to feel good about your bowling scores - take me along! I had never even seen big ball bowling until I moved to VT - we have candlepin bowling in Maine - The ball is like 1/4 the size of a big ball and like 1/8 of the weight! Damn those big balls are heavy!!! My forearms ache for days after we bowl!!!

  2. I love reading her blog too! She always comes out with some good stuff. We just love you Lisa, we really, really love you! PIN!
