Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Forgot my food too

Today's food (people have asked what I eat so here's a list of what I ate today- still trying to figure this blogging thing out.. I hope to have it listed on the side of the blog for the day.. somehow!)

Pre-workout: 1 medium banana

Post-workout: 3 servings (3/4 cup) Better'n Eggs Egg substitute, 2 slices Country Kitchen 100% whole wheat bread toasted with 1 tablespoon penut butter (split between the two slices)

Lunch: 1/2 Mckenzie Boneless Ham Steak, 3 teaspoons French's Honey Mustard (for dipping), salad: 1 cup Romaine hearts lettuce, 1/2 medium cuke, 2 medium celery stalks cut up and 2 tablespoons (1 serving) Wishbone Zesty Italian dressing, then 2 scoops (1 serving) Prograde lean chocolate protein shake in 16oz 1% Milk

Snack: Cho Yo peach yogurt mixed with 10 cut up strawberries & 1 medium cuke

Supper: 1/2 large chicken breast, 3 teaspoons French's Honey Mustard (for dipping) and 2 medium celery

Calories 1663 (I'm allowed 1678), Fat 19%, Carbs 43%, Protein 39% and 27.1 grams dietary fiber

Well I HAVE to get to bed or it won't take much for Ben to kick my butt in the morning!! =)


  1. Oh My Goodness - Have you tried the Brownie Batter?? I made mine with strawberries last night and SERIOUSLY it was fantastic - it really does taste like you are cheating!! It is going to become a regular staple in this house!! Can I eat it for breakfast too??
    Thanks for posting your menu - I love seeing what other people are eating! I had the ham steak for the first time yesterday too and it was really good, again - did not feel like I was eating BBC approved food!!

  2. Great job with the wall sits yesterday, those things are the worst for me and everytime I looked over there you were just hanging out making it look easy - way to go!!

  3. oh believe me, it was ANYTHING but easy!! But thanks! =)
