Thursday, May 28, 2009

End of week 14.. wow..

So, here I am..... sitting here, out of the poker game (!!!?!) and thinking.. well, it's been a few days, I should blog. But I'm finding myself at a loss for words. What do I say that I haven't repeated a million times in the last 14 weeks? Any damned thing I want I guess... LOL.. it's MY blog!! LOL...

Well, let me start with the workout yesterday. Cardio day. It was T, E & I. We did our warm up in the arena of IROC, then did our intervals of sprints, burpees & sprints 1 minute of each with 1 minute rest and 1 minute get up sit ups. After that we went outside and ran for 20 minutes. It was actually a nice little run. We ended up running by a mulch place and it smelled really good! It was a little misty, but otherwise it was good.

Today was a weights day so I met the girls at IROC (T couldn't make it) and we used the gym to do our workout. First of all, I have to say that I'm SO glad that Ben keeps his place cool (even in the winter) because the workout room at IROC was a freakin sauna!!!!! There isn't any ventilation or windows that you can open, so OMG it gets really HOT in there!! Anyway, we started doing push presses using dbs (M & I) and E & C did "pull ups". We didn't have anywhere that we could do pull ups so we did like this reverse crunch thing. Then we did A) push ups feet on ball jackknife and reverse lunge band pull (M & I started on this) and B)reverse crunch things and squat press. Do 6 reps of each back and forth for 10 minutes straight then switch to the other two. After that we did 2 minute sprints with 2 minutes rest X 3. We started out in the arena, but that was rough on the knees. So we switched to the walking track. The reverse crunch thing was really tough for me. I'm sure people have seen what you do this on. It's like this tall thing with 2 arm things. You put your arms on the arm things, hold onto the pegs at the end and your legs dangle below you, then you pull your legs up towards you. I couldn't seem to hold myself up. I kept ending up with my shoulders scrunched way up. It was irritating me that I couldn't do it, but I just kept doing it anyway. I am stubborn!! LOL.. but that's ok. We worked our butts off today.

I'm glad that we are proving that we can still work out when Ben is gone. We definitely miss him... miss hearing "Come on! Get there! Push!" I am still definitely motivated and push myself, but I don't think it's the same as during our classes. Just proves that Ben really knows what he's doing! Personally, I think I need that extra push. Obviously. Otherwise I would've been able to lose this weight on my own... anyway.. I'm rambling..

I think that's it.. Tomorrow is another cardio day so it'll be the same as Wednesday.. running running running! =)


1 comment:

  1. I love your description of the tall thing with the 2 arm things! lol My abs are killing me today from that thing!
