Saturday, May 2, 2009

And... I'm back

Ok, so I officially suck at this.. blogging that is.. LOL.. But, as you can probably imagine, life is busy and finding the time to blog has become somewhat of a challenge. I promise that I WILL try to do this more!!

Wednesday: Caaaardiooo!!! We did: Sprints & Bike, Hill Climbers & Burpees. Ben threw a little twist in and had us do this in groups. So T, C & I were together and M & E were together. We started with burpees and did 30:30:30 for 8 rounds, then did hill climbers for 30:30:30 for 7 rounds while E & M did the bike and sprints for the same. Then, the groups switched. It was a neat change up. It certainly wasn't any easier for sure!!! I think it's actually a little tougher to stay doing the same one for so many rounds in a row.. Like I keep saying, Ben keeps things interesting, fresh & new!! No wonder I'm addicted!!!! =) =) You can tell by the goofy look on my face in the picture on Ben's blog.. lol... whatta dork!!! ha ha ha!!

Thursday: Roll the Dice (LOVE this one!!) Start each round with 40 Frog Hops then roll the die for your workout fate.

1's- Push ups x 15
2's- Rows/Pull ups x 15
3's- Reverse Crunches x 15
4's- Kettlebell Swings x 15
5's- Star Jump Burpees x 15
6's- Split Squats x 15 per leg

Again, we did this in pairs. C & I and then E & T (M missed it because she had to work and we missed her!!!). The new one is the star jump burpees (just when you thought burpees weren't fun enough, there's yet another variation!! LOL). You do the usual burpee, but when you stand up you jump up with your arms and legs straight out (you look like a star... get it??). C & I only rolled this one once. I think E & T rolled this several times, poor things.. lol.. I believe they even rolled it twice in one round!! C & I did all of them except the kb swings. We did all of the others twice.

Yesterday was cardio and yet again Ben changed it up. We did it in pairs again, M & I and E & T (Christine missed it because she wasn't feeling well - missed you C!). The stations were: Station 1:Bike, Firehose Pull (or Kettlebell Pull) Station 2: Sprints, Lateral Bench Jumps. Sp M & I started at station 1. The firehose pull was actually really fun. I LOVED it!!!! I hope we keep that one for cardio days!! Ben took the firehose and attached one end to a kb. Then we had to pull it across the floor, grab the end, run to the other end and pull it again. It was tough and hurt our hands, but it was great!! Watch the video, you'll see what a great workout that is. Total body baby!! So E & T started with sprints and the lateral bench jumps. Those bench jumps are HARD. You put one leg up on the bench and when it's time to go you use your leg to jump up, switch to the other leg and land on the other side. Keep doing this back and forth. I don't know if I explained that very well, but if you watch the video you'll see what I mean. When it came time for me to do that one, I didn't so much jump and switch. I stood up on the bench & switched. It worked though. I am seriously uncoordinated and if I can fall doing the lateral shuffle, I would surely fall doing that!!! Afterwards we were sitting around and were talking about being flexible and E & T ended up doing a little pretzel race.. check out the 2nd video Ben posted.. frickin hilarious!!! See, we have fun at BBC!!! =)

Today we did The Big Nasty and it WAS nasty!!! The stations were: 50 Hill Climbers per leg, 20 Rows, 25 Goblet Squats, 35 Burpees, 30 Single Leg Hip Extension per leg, 15 Jump Squats/Prisoner Squats, 24 Step ups each leg, 20 Push Press. The top performer for today was Margaret who ended up doing 50 burpees instead of 35. LOL... The reward was a Prograde Craver of her choosing. Congrats Margaret!! You earned it!!

Afterwards, E & I went for a mile run. I'm happy to say that I only stopped once this time and I walked for maybe 15-20 feet before starting to run again. It was definitely tougher after the killer workout this morning, but we got it done!! I plan on adding a 1/2 mile to my runs this week. I'll let you all know how it goes!! =)

Tomorrow the hubs & I are heading to my hometown of Barre for the opening day of racing at Thunder Road. I can't wait. It's always fun to go and watch my brother race!! But also, my best friend Mya will be there and she hasn't seen me in MONTHS. So I can't wait to see what her reaction will be to my transformation so far. =) If anyone reading this is going to the races tomorrow, don't forget to cheer for #37 in the Tiger division!!! Go Finck Racing!!! =) Oh, and don't worry about my food for tomorrow... I'm definitely bringing a cooler and will have lunch, a snack and dinner with me (no easy task with no microwave to heat food up!) so I will be all set!! No Al's French Fries or fried dough for me!! The closest I'll get to the consession stands is the bathrooms!! LOL... have a good one! =)


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