Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Monday!

Today was cardio day... whew!!!!! But first, E stopped into the radio station for a short update on how she's doing.. Sounded like she had fun. =) Tomorrow will be T's turn, I will be on Wednesday, C on Thursday and M will finish up the week on Friday. I still can't believe that this is week 11.. where the hell did the time go? I guess the old saying is true, time flies when you're having fun!

So we did: Bike & sprints and Burpees & lateral bench jumps. M & T were together and E, C & I were together. M started with the bike, T the sprints, E did the lateral bench jump and C & I did burpees. Again it was 30:30:30 go for 8 rounds on one then switch to the other for 7 rounds. Then switch to the two the other group was doing. I was actually a little bummed that we didn't do the firehose pull... call me crazy, but I LOVE that one! Maybe I was a firewoman (person? LOL) in a former life. =) Hopefully Wednesday that one will be back. =)

We went to Thunder Road yesterday to watch my brother race in the opening day there. We had a great time!! My father-in-law went with us and it was really great to get to hang out with him for the day. =) I, of course, packed a lunch, snack and dinner to bring with me since the food there is anything BUT supportive!! I will admit that when Mike & his dad each came back with a burger & Al's FF, I wanted to dive right in, BUT I didn't. I also have to admit that it was a little tougher yesterday to not get some of that bad food. I found myself a little bored a few times (the late models aren't as interesting to me as the other divisions) and had the urge to go get a fried dough or fries or something. I know that's more of a mental urge than a physical craving. I have always been an emotional eater and one who will eat out of boredom. I haven't really run into the boredom problem until now. It's not a problem though. I made it through yesterday just by concentrating on the races and thinking about how far I've come so far. That was also reinforced by my parents and friends that I saw at the races. I haven't seen my best friend Mya in MONTHS (as previously mentioned) and when she saw me she was like: "Oh my god you look so GOOD!!" which made me feel really great. My mom said: "I can really see the difference! You look great!!" Just more inspiration and motivation for me to keep doing what I'm doing (not that I would stop now!!). Oh, and I got a new T-Road 50th Anniversary t-shirt in... get this... an XL.. I put it on last night and it fit!! It was just a little tight for what I like, but I WILL be wearing it very VERY soon!!!! And then LOOK OUT!!! I'll be wearing that size L BBC shirt before too long!! =)

Have a good one! =)


  1. Awesome, congratulations Lisa, keep up the good work!

  2. Lisa thank God you're keeping up with your blog! Showing us up as usual!
