Monday, May 11, 2009

What happened?

I feel SO bad for Missy!! She & I were doing sprints this morning and had gotten ahead of me and then all of a sudden tripped. She wasn't hurt and laughed it off. But a little while later she fell again!! This time she hurt her knee because she fell on the exact same spot that she had earlier. I felt so bad for her! She had to sit out for a few minutes because she was in pain. She bravely tried to do a few rounds on the bike, but that only made her pain worse. BUT, she did persevere and did push ups then see saw press. I am VERY proud of her for not giving up!!! =)

I feel like I've been having a hard time lately. This whole experience has been kind of surreal for me. I look in the mirror and I see someone completely new. I've never seen this girl. I have alway looked in the mirror and looked away. I NEVER liked what I saw. NEVER. Now I do like what I see, I just don't know who she is. It's kind of weird. It's like I didn't believe that I would lose all this weight. Maybe because I've failed SO many times before. Not one thing has ever worked for me until now. So maybe I thought that this wouldn't be any different, and it is different. Very, very different. I'm really really losing weight and getting healthy. It's scary actually. So I'm going to keep doing what I do every day and work through this.

I am extremely lucky to have my MF in my life. I leaned on them all today and they were as wonderful as they've always been. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I could not be going through this journey without Missy, Tonia, Christine, Erica and Ben. Thank you guys.

That's about it from me.. it's been a long day. Night!



  1. You are awesome Lisa, we are all inspired to be better people because of you.

  2. thank you Ben. That means a lot. :)
