Thursday, May 7, 2009

A, B, C, D O-M-G!

I have a feeling this is going to be a short entry today... sorry folks.. This girl is TIRED!!!!!!!! I had a work situation last night and didn't get to bed until 12:30. I got up at 6am this morning and did my BBC thing (I don't want to miss a class), came home, napped for an hour and a half and went to work, but I am STILL tired. So, as soon as I'm done this, I am going to bed. I can't wait!!

So today we did A, B, C, D. Basically this is four stations, 2 exercises at each station, 50 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, 60 second rest after 3 rounds (was it 4?) at each station.

Station A was tennis ball single leg hip extension and dumbell clean & press. The tennis ball one is you take a tennis ball and put it at your hip, then pull your leg back so that it's squeezing the ball to your hip. Then, you do a hip extension. That is a lot harder than it sounds, and man does it work the ace area!!!! The db clean & press is you have a db in each hand (I started w/15s), you squat just a bit so that they're down at mid-thigh, then you bring them up by your shoulders, standing up straight and then press them up. Apparently I made it look too easy with the 15s because Ben came over and handed me 20 pounders. Upping the it!! =)

Station B was jackknife on ball (I'm sure Ben will call it something else) and sky & ground squats. The ball thing.. oh my lord! You put your feet on the ball (it's the workout ball we used on cardio day) and then get in a push up/plank position. The first trick is to balance. That is the first thing. Then, you pull your legs towards your chest. Very challenging!! Me likey! =) For the sky & ground squats you have a db in each hand (I used 15s), one arm is up over your head, one is down between your legs and you squat. This was not easy either!!

Station C was pull ups (jumpers - band assisted or no) and rene rows. At first I was going to do the pull ups with a band, but Ben said something about doing them without and I thought, what the hell? Give it a shot. Did all 4 rounds with no band. Harder, but I liked them just as well. =) The rene rows were really tough for me. I used 15lb dbs for these. I don't know if it was getting in the push up position with them or just trying to lift the weights or a combo of the two, but those, I didn't like..

Station D was planks and farmer's carries. I started out with 2 35lb kbs for the farmer's carries, but again, I must've made it look too easy because Ben had me switch to the 44lb kbs. Kind of had a little theme going here today... guess the lesson of the day was push yourself!! I am (absolutely!) getting stronger and to get even stronger I need to challenge myself more, use heavier weights. I thought maybe I had had that epiphany a few days ago, but I guess it really sank in today.

Tomorrow is cardio day and I can't wait to see what Ben comes up with. =) And on that note, this chica is hitting the hay. It's a little later than I had planned to get to bed, but still earlier than usual. Even a little extra sleep will be nice! Night!!

~L dawg

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