Thursday, April 9, 2009

Silver lining

We started out doing push presses and Christine and I finished with 85! 5 more than we did last time.. not a big difference, but hey, we did more! We also did 3 rounds of pull ups (with a band assisting us- we actually did jump pull ups where you put your foot in the band still for support but you jump up to do the chin up) which were very hard!! I definately can't do a pull up (yet!) but I was able to do the jump chin up and actually get my chin up over the bar!

Then, we did this:
50 jump squats
40 goblet squats
30 kettlebell swings
20 step ups w/ 10 lb db, 20 each leg
10 skater jumps per leg
25 burpees w/ pushups
10 skater jumps per leg
20 step ups w/ 10 lb db, 20 each leg
30 kettlebell swing
40 goblet squats
50 jump squats

Ben didn't time us for this one, but gave us a goal of finishing in 35 minutes (I think it was). I didn't finish. When the time came that he wanted us to finish by I was on the 2nd set of step ups. This pissed me off big time. I was VERY upset with myself that I didn't finish the whole workout. The other girls finished, but I did not. This was the first time in 7 weeks that I wasn't able to finish and it was very very frustrating. The one thing that slowed me down was the step ups. Those are definately on my $%*# list. I hate 'em. I don't know if it's because of my knees that it's so hard or it's just getting myself up there. Whatever it was, it pissed me the #$*! off.

If it hadn't been for my MF (Mooser Family- thought I better explain that one!) it probably would've ruined my whole day. They all are really wonderful and I'm so glad & blessed to have them to help me & support me when I need it. They helped me to look at everything I've accomplished so far, how far I've come since we first started. 23lbs, 6.5% body fat... so I'm going to just say "tomorrow's another day" and the girls better watch out because I WILL be on tear tomorrow!! =) Believe it.... Werd.

P.S. One thing I've forgotten to mention this week is that I tried asparagus. It was ok. I spread a little (about 1/2 T) horseradish hummus on it then sprinkled on garlic powder and baked it at 350 for about 10 minutes (I think) then I turned the broiler on and cooked them for awhile longer turning them every once in awhile until there were browned.. they were a little too done actually.. but I cut them up so they looked like green beans.. I will definately try them again but I'll cut the cooking time down some.. =)

So Ben took a 6 week picture so here there are for comparison:


  1. XOXO I'll be ready to challenge you tomorrow! And just for the record, step ups are the real MFers! The only reason I was able to do them in the time that I was is because I was on the crate. That makes a huge difference! Didn't you see me roll my ankle and fall down last week? LOL!

  2. Happy to hear you are trying new foods... and liking them (maybe). Also nice "in progress" pic -- keep up the good work!
