Monday, April 6, 2009

Cardio twist

Today's cardio was a little different. We had a few of the old favorites and a couple new ones. The stations were: sprints (bike -for Christine & I), firehose alternating slam, jump rope, plate punches and kettlebell high pull burpee.

Plate punches were killer!! You take a 25lb weight (plate obviously) and with it at chest level push it out and bring it back towards you as fast as you can in 30 seconds. HOOOOLY moly chamoly!!! I was the first one to do this and set the bar high at 60.. The girls did great getting VERY close to that #. =)

The other new one was the kettlebell high pull burpee. So you do a normal burpee, except that you start with your feet on either side of the kettlebell. You do the burpee, except that you keep your feet wide and when you bring your feet back towards your hands, you end up with your feet back on either side of the kettlebell. Then you do a high pull. Bring the kettlebell up towards your chin, arms out like wings. Let me tell you, this is NOT easy!! We all got around 10.. a couple were able to get more.

You wouldn't think so, but the jump rope was the thorn in my freakin side today!! For some reason my brain was NOT communicating with my feet.. My brain was like "JUMP" and my feet were like: "Huh? What? You want me to what? Oh look the jump rope is coming around. What do I do? Ohhhh.. jump!" TOO LATE!! Damned feet!!! COOPERATE PLEASE!! *sigh* oh well, there's always Wednesday.

Ben has now lowered my #s again. So my calories are 1551 (was 1620), Carbs 40% (was 45%), Protein 40% (was 35%) and Fat 20% (this one stayed the same). I think it'll take a little adjustment, but it seems to be ok so far. My #s were right on today.. exactly 40, 40, 20. My calories were very close. My only problem is fiber. I have a hard time with getting enough fiber. This is mostly because, as everyone knows by now, I don't like a lot of veggies. But I am trying.. honest!! I googled the fiberous vegetables and am going down the list trying them.. So stay tuned as I'll be posting about the newest one soon.

I had a VERY busy birthday weekend!! Going here and there.. it was good, just very busy. Not much time for relaxing!! The only day I get to sleep in is Sunday. I regularly tell Mike, "If you wake me before 9 on Sunday I will hurt you!!" But I was my own worst enemy on Sunday. For whatever reason (that I have no idea what it is) I woke up at 7:30.. Seven FREAKIN thirty!!! And, I couldn't get back to sleep!!! uuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh! So, I am totally wiped and I am going to bed.. like very very soon... I am going to do my fitday thing and hit the hay.

Good night!!!


  1. Lisa- I totally lol'ed at the jump rope thing, I was having the same problem today! It must have been the rope!

  2. oh good! So it wasn't just me!!! =)

  3. Lisa, don't get distracted my an off day(j-rope). You are are doing awesome. Keep it up ok?! Soon you'll adapt to your new #s for food and have it down pact. Good job and keep it up. Ice those knees! M
