Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 7 & 8: My new Motto: Suck it up and DO IT!!

I gotta say, yesterday was TOUGH!! We did "Four Eyes".. It was all such a blur that honestly I don't even remember what we did, just that it was really hard!! (check out the Moosers Blog for a listing of what we did) But I did it, and I didn't give up!! I think that's the main thing for anyone. DO NOT GIVE UP!! That's where my new motto has come from. Even when you're hurting, tired, sweating, hot... Suck it up and DO IT! You may think you can't, but you can.

The last thing we did yesterday (that I definately remember clearly) was the kettle bell relays (Ben called it the Farmer's somethingorother). You take a 44lb kettle bell in each hand and go down the length of the gym twice then switch with your partner. I was paired up with Erica for this one. So Missy & Christine had the 52lb kettle bells. So yes, we were lugging 88 and 104lbs respectively. Once we both did our turns with the weight we had we switched to the other weight. Check out the video on the Moosers blog. Pretty funny! Holy moses was that killer! My forearms were burning by the time we were done. I think we each did each weight twice. By the time I was on the very last bit of my lap with the 88lbs and was totally done I was like: "Ok that's it" and speed walked to the end! I felt like I was going SO slow and pushed myself to finish and finish strong! Then I realized, I have to bowl tonight!! LOL.. I told Ben, "my bowling team is going to come kick your butt if I can't bowl tonight!!" LMAO.. luckily I did fine in bowling. =)

The really cool thing is that everyone has been really really supportive! Every day at work, the girls ask me what we did and how it was. Plus, one of my bosses yesterday said that she can really tell that I'm losing weight!! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!! Rock on with my bad self!! LOL. Plus a lot of the girls at bowling last night were asking how its going. Plus, people have left me great supportive comments on this blog. I can't tell you all how much it means to me to have your support in this. Thank you so much. Oh and I get extra loves from my kitties every day when I come home from my workouts. =)

Today was cardio day again. Back again was my old foe the bike. LOL. Actually, we got along pretty well today. My sneaker got a little snagged a few times but I just kept on peddling!! We also did squats, burpees & step ups. 30:90 for the first 10 and 30:60 the last 10. The only difference was that during the 90 second rest we had to walk around and lift our knees way up. Ok, no messing around today!! LOL.. Then for each exercise Ben gave us goals. 15 squats was my first one.. and I did 16! Burpees was 12 and I got darn close. The same with step ups, nearly hit my #s every time. I don't know what it was today, but whatever # Ben gave me for squats, I wanted to one up him. So the next time I did squats he said 16 and I did 17. 17, I did 18! The last one was 18 and I nearly hit it, but couldn't quite get over. Most people that know me well know that I am stubborn as hell and just as determined!

Well, time to get ready for the rest of the day! Ta ta for now!

1 comment:

  1. Ohh so you want to one up me huh, well we'll have to do something about that! Just kidding you are doing awesome.
