Monday, February 23, 2009

Day 4 &5 - Baseball, bootcamp style!

Day 4 (Sunday): We went down to my parent's house on Lake Champlain on Saturday morning. I was thinking, ok here's a test. Can I stay on the diet away from home? The answer? You betcha!! The only thing we bought was a 1/2 gallon of 1% milk because I know my parent's don't use that. We made healthy things like hamburgers on the jenaire grill (all the fat falls to a collection cup underneath) and chicken! Lots of veggies and fruits too. I was so relieved! Sunday was also my mom's birthday so there was the traditional cake & ice cream. As much as I wanted to have even just a small sliver of cake, I didn't give in to temptation!! It's hard to believe, but it's true!! Ask my hubby who had seconds!! We had a great time and even managed to get back home to Newport before the storm got too bad. Richford mountain was, of course, lovely travelling as always!!

Day 5 (Monday): This morning's workout was KILLER!!!! We did baseball, bootcamp style! We broke into pairs, myself & Missy and Christine & Erica. There were 4 stations: sit squats x10 (squat down and touch the milk crate with your butt - but don't actually "sit"!! 10 times), side lifts (not what Ben called it, but you take a 10lb weight reach down & touch the floor on the side of your foot, then lift it across your body to your shoulder 10 each side), push ups x 10 and burpees x 10 (a good name for these would be pukees cause that's what you want to do after awhile!! These are like ones you've seen at military bootcamps. Start standing up. Go down to a plank position, pull your knees to your chest -hands still on the floor- then stand up, arms over your head & clap). So once we finished all four exercises we put a mark on the board on the wall. So it was whichever team could do the most in 10 minutes (seemed like an eternity!!). The first time it was a tie at 6 each. So we did it again as a tie breaker. Good job Christine & Erica for doing it 5 more times! Missy & I did it 4 more. After that we did wall sits, plank, kettle bell chest lifts (again, not what it's called) and squat lifts (or something like it), 30 seconds each for like 10 minutes.

I seriously thought that there was no way that I could finish, and then I did!!! I do have to admit that I cried when we finished the first part of the workout. There were so many times that I wanted to give up because I was tired or felt like my body had had enough. Then Ben was there with the encouragement, and I heard the other girls saying: "Come on Lisa, you can do it!" "Don't give up!".. they all pushed me through and there's no "thank you" big enough for that. I was also crying because I've never pushed myself so hard and never in a million years did I think that I could push myself like that. They were happy tears!!! So if anyone out there thinks that you can't do a workout like this you are wrong!! You CAN! You just gotta dig deep and find the strength in you to do it. Just do it because you know what? The rewards are going to be everything you ever wished for yourself and MORE!!

Ben had asked us what our goals were on Saturday. It was really emotional for all of us. For anyone that's overweight, you know how emotional it is. How it feels. My goals are to drop at least 2 sizes in 6 weeks, and 3 more by the time we're done. Honestly, I haven't even been close to that size since maybe Freshman year in High School. So will it be a huge accomplishment? You're damned skippy!! I'm not sure yet how I'll celebrate. I think maybe a big party will be in order. Gather all my friends & family that I haven't seen in awhile and celebrate!! Dance the night away!! Laugh talk & catch up!!! My best friend lives in Barre so I don't get to see her much. It would be so awesome to have her come up & share in my accomplishment. I miss her so much.

Well, I'm off to do some stretching so I'm not AS sore for tomorrow!! Ben said tomorrow is Cardio day!!

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