Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day 1-3 of my journey

My saga actually started about 2 weeks ago. I heard on the local radio station that a local trainer who runs a bootcamp was offering a huge opportunity for 4 people to embark on a weight loss journey. People had to go on onto the website and fill out the application saying why you wanted to lose weight, why you needed to lose weight. 55 people applied, Ben chose 8 finalists that he felt needed it the most. Then, people needed to vote for the 4 that they thought deserved it the most. The voting was FIERCE and I do mean FIERCE!!!! There were 2 that started out in front and stayed in front the whole time. The last two spots were very close in the voting for awhile with me and another contestant were ahead of 5th. On the last day, in the afternoon I was ahead of 4th place by around 30 votes and 5th by 100 votes. I honestly thought that I was safe. Then around 9pm, 3 hours before the close of voting, I fell behind. 4th & 5th had started battling about mid-afternoon and passed me. The panic button was thrown and I started calling every single person I know to vote. It was crazy, but I beat 5th place by 8 votes. I was up until midnight waiting for the voting to end. That night I went to bed and could hardly sleep because I was afraid it wasn't true. That I hadn't really made it in. I waited in horrible agony the next morning for the two local dj's & ben called to say that I had made it in. They finally called. I was in!! And the bonus? Ben had decided to take 5 instead of 4 because the voting was so close!! So, Ben called me over the weekend and set up a meeting for Tuesday to discuss how everything would work. We met and found out that we'd be using the online food journal to keep track of our foods. It's crazy hard because we have a certain # of calories we can have and then Ben also gave us percentages for carbs, fats & proteins. I'm allowed 1678 calories, 45% carbs, 35% protein & 20% fat. So i'm doing well with it actually. It's really hard because eventhough I'm eating all the right stuff, lean protein, fruits & veggies, trying to find the right balance is really hard. I've hit my calories exactly the last couple days, but a my percentages are still off a little.

Our first workout was Thursday. It was SO hard!! We started off doing a few stretching things and then jumping jacks, knee lifts, plank arm raises (I think that's what they're called), and hill climbers. When we were done stretching, I was already sweating like crazy!!! Then we did 4 exercises , kettle bell swing, rows, push ups & the squat press. You can see pics & videos at Also is a description of the exerciese we did. In the pics from the first day, I'm the one doing the push ups. HOLY CRAP was that hard!! And that was only the 1/2 of what we did!! One of the girls puked and another had dry heaves. I felt like I was going to puke several times. I even went home and sat in a chair for a good 20 minutes before I felt like I could move without the possiblity of puking!!! Once I finally dared to have a toast with some peanut butter on it I felt much better. About 1/2 hour to an hour after the workout I started to feel the energy boost. Felt pretty good!!! Me likey!

Planning for the meals was pretty hard this week because my husband & I have activities we do most weeknights. I basically had to stop at a store in the morning before work and buy my lunch, snacks and supper. That makes it fairly difficult to plan, but I just bought a bunch of fruits, veggies and proteins and then just played around with plugging them into fitday to get the #s to come out right. That seemed to work.

Day 2 workout was Cardio... HOLY HELL!!! We had 4 stations, the stationary bike, step ups, kettle bell swing and high knees. For the first 10 rounds, we sprinted (go as fast as you can) for 30 seconds, rest for 90 seconds and go to the next station. For the last 10 rounds we sprinted again for 30 seconds and had a 60 second rest. So basically we did each station 5 times. By the end of the first 10, I gotta tell ya, I was already dying. I was thinking.. oh my god!! I can't go another 10!! Buy I did it! It was wicked hard, but I finished it!! I'm really proud of myself for that. I really thought I wasn't going to be able to finish. Just proves that if you really push yourself, you can do something you thought was impossible. Thanks Ben!! He never stopped pushing me. He pushed us all very hard. I can't wait to see the results!!

We met this morning to discuss the diet part of it. We laughed, we cried, we bonded!!

So, I will say goodnight. Sorry that this is so long, but this covers 3 days worth so I'm sure you understand!! Back to the grind on Monday!! We will be working out @ 7am Monday-Friday.. so stayed tuned for more updates!!


  1. I am proud of you too Lisa! And I am proud of me! Erica and Missy too! It is hard, but we will all do it and do it together!

  2. Lisa, you are absolutely amazing!!! Good luck with your journey! I know you have the heart to do it!!!!!

  3. You are kicking ass Lisa, keep up the great work
